Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome Home

Hey All

               You have landed up in a page which has its roots perculating to the entertainment world. It is all about film making, digital media technology and the latest advancements in the the media industry. This blog will not and should not be for expressing only my own views. It is open to the public to add their own ideas and views about the latest technology used in this field and to contribute their creative ideas for the development of the industry as a whole. This is a forum which facilitates to channelise the ideas, views and information from different parts of the web and from different people from various walks of life for the benefit of the media enthusiasts. The forum focuses on the global cine industry and the cutting edge technology which is behind some of the astonishing scenes. So the people behind the scenes, technology and the media companies which facilitate such ventures are also brought to the limelight. If there are any new media startups, they will also be made a special mention in this forum. Thus feel free to contribute, learn and criticize constructively so that at the end of the day everyone wins and goes home with everlasting relationships and priceless wisdom. Come on, lets give it a push ....

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