The Jacket is a 2005 psychological thriller, directed by John Maybury. Massy Tadjedin wrote the screenplay based on a story by Tom Bleecker and Marc Rocco. The original music score is composed by Brian Eno and the cinematography is by Peter Deming. The film is marketed with the tagline "Terror has a new name."
Plot summary
After miraculously recovering from a bullet wound to the head, Gulf War veteran Jack Starks returns to Vermont suffering from amnesia. He is accused of murdering a police officer, and is incarcerated in a mental institution in the year 1992.
In the ward, Starks becomes subject to the experiments of Dr. Thomas Becker, a psychiatrist. Starks is injected with an experimental drug and put into a straitjacket; he is then locked in a morgue drawer. While in this condition, Jack's mind sends him into the future of 2007, where among other things he discovers that he is destined to die in four days.
IMDB Rating: 7.0/10
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